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Writer's picturepaulstevens24

Theresa May has stepped in to the fight over proposals to build up to 250 homes on a green field.

Updated: Nov 5, 2021

The Maidenhead MP visited an exhibition about the scheme for land between Lodge Road and Tape Lane in Hurst last Thursday. The exhibition at Hurst Village Hall was staged by the plan’s promoters, Mactaggert and Mickel.

Hurst Village Society, which is fighting the proposals, is in touch with Mrs May who has told Wokingham Borough Council of residents’ concerns.

The HVS website quotes from Mrs May’s letter to WBC saying: “My constituents are concerned that the current development plans will have a disproportionate impact on the village and its residents. The current proposals would see 300 more homes in a village of roughly two-thousand people…

The impacts of large developments on small communities need to be reviewed closely and any development should enhance the existing community.”

So what about the impact of 7,000 more homes on a village the size of Arborfield?

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