“I urge Wokingham Borough Council not to include any significant housing development at Hall Farm as part of its Local Plan Update”.
The details of the petition are on the LINKS page but here are some graphic illustrations regarding WHY YOU SHOULD SIGN IT!
Key to the problem of “If not at Hall Farm, then where?” are the constraints imposed by Green Belt in the North and Atomic Weapons Establishment exclusion zone in the West. To which our answer is:
“Not in yet another huge housing estate in the South of Wokingham! Enough really is enough!”
The petition is now LIVE and can be signed here:
NOTE: You do have to create an account with Wokingham Borough Council before you can sign it. You also need to live, work or study in the Borough. Paper versions of the Petition are being circulated and if you would like printed copies of any of the Petition promotion materials come to Arborfield Village Hall and look in the old Doctors Waiting Room. If the hall is not open or what you require is not available please leave a note in the Village Hall Post Box.